
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Toby – Tuesday’s Show & Tail

I have always been a cat owner, but once in a while there was a dog in my life. This little fella came to live with me and my younger brother when we went to visit our dad in Wyoming. One of his friends gave us the dog and we brought him home to Michigan with us at the end of the summer – and BOY was our mom surprised, LOL. While we didn’t have him long (he was killed by a an idiot and his car that winter) he was a pleasure to have and very loved!

Toby Toby2 Toby4 Toby3

If I were ever to get another dog (and I hope someday I will), I would want another dog like Toby (or Jasmine – who will be introduced in a later post)!


  1. There is always one or two special pets in our life. sandie

  2. He was such a cute dog. Sorry he had an untimely death like that. I like the name Toby too! I hope you get to get another dog sometime soon.

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  3. What a sweet friend you and your brother had! I like the photos. Anne

  4. We had a pup that was killed by an idiot driver - right in front of our house and my young boys - it was horrid, and even tho we only had the pup a short time, he had fast become a favorite! You'll get another special dog someday....
