
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Silver Springs, cont and a grounded Cat ~ Tuesday’s Show & Tail

Let’s start with the grounded cat. Yes, you read that right, Sandy has been grounded indefinitely. You see, she loves to climb on the screens out in the screen room. She usually manages to just get a small hole punched out near the bottom corner. Yesterday, however, she managed to make the hole a bit bigger and well:
Yes, that is almost the entire section of screen punched out from the top!!! She was laying out in the carport when grandpa got home (I was busily working on my computer oblivious to what she had done) trying to find a way back in, LOL! When he came in with her, he shut the door. That’s when I came to see what was going on:
And this is where she was laying. All I could do was laugh at her and my dad and the whole situation. She sure is a stinker!!
Now, Silver Springs also has some stinkers, but they are beautiful anyway. Here are some more pictures from our recent visit there:


  1. Hey Jules, bad kitty!

    We traveled to Tampa this past weekend and came back by Weeki Wachee, and I was thinking how it would be to return to Silver Springs I haven't been in a long time, thanks for sharing, I'm have to plan on going real soon.

  2. Hard to believe a kitty can do that - but then I have met my son's and DIL cat. He makes yours look like an angel! Cute cat though.


  3. Sorry I didn't have my post up for you to link in earlier! My internet service was down due to the bad weather we had yesterday. I'll link your post for you so you don't have to.

    Aw! What a bad kitty! With those claws they sure can do some damage can't they! I remember back when we had cats growing up ours would tear down the screen on the door trying to get in or out.

    Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

  4. Funny thing about her is that she didn't tear the screen with her claws. She just managed to punch it out. I found out this afternoon that she is grounded until the weekend. She so desperately wants out into the porch for the sunshine, lol!!

    @Jo: Weeki Wachi is so cool! I love that park.

    @ texwisgirl: I had a pet gator way back in the 1980's when my dad lived in Avon Park for a spell. It was a baby gator. I never touched the thing - yuck! But he/she was a cutie.

    I'll stick with my kitty cats! Next week will be updated pics of Ebony - my new kitty that grandma is letting me keep at her place!

  5. Uh oh. My cats would have done the exact thing! I haven't been to Silver Springs in ages and used to live down the way from Weeki Wachi and dreamed of being one of those mermaids! The old Florida attractions are still fun and show the "real" Florida. I love the picture of the bat! Ann
